

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions and answers about the 网易彩票下载 Board of Trustees recent decision to retain SPU’s employee lifestyle expectations.




SPU’s Board of Trustees is the governing authority for the University, and they made the final decision to retain the University’s existing employee lifestyle expectation regarding 性ual conduct. 受托人没有制定任何新政策.

董事会发表了一份声明 在2022年5月23日,解释了他们的决定.

"经过多方面和复杂的考虑, the Board of Trustees has reached the decision to retain 网易彩票下载’s current employee lifestyle expectations regarding 性ual conduct.

“We want the community of SPU to know that this was a thorough and prayerful deliberation,董事会主席塞德里克·戴维斯说. “虽然这个决定带来了复杂而发自内心的反应, the Board made a decision that it believed was most in line with the University’s mission and 信仰声明 and chose to have SPU remain in communion with its founding denomination, 美国自由卫理公会, as a core part of its historical identity as a Christian university.

The decision means SPU’s employee conduct expectations continue to reflect a traditional view on Biblical marri年龄 and 性uality, as an expression of long-held church teaching and biblical interpretation.

While the board has landed on a decision that reflects a prayerful and sincere commitment to the wellbeing of SPU’s identity as an orthodox, 福音派, 卫斯理, 以及信仰和学习的普世机构, there is also sober acknowledgement of how this news will be received. The board acknowledges that there is disagreement among faithful Christians on the topic of 性uality and identity.

Regular faculty and staff are expected to affirm SPU的信仰宣言 and to abide by conduct standards in the Employee Handbook, 包括员工生活方式期望. We expect community members to abide by the University position that human 性uality is a gift from God and that physical 性ual intimacy is to be expressed in the context of marital fidelity of a man and a woman. It is expected that 网易彩票下载 faculty and staff will eng年龄 in behaviors consistent with this understanding of human 性uality.

作为一个宗教组织, 而且是法律允许的, the University reserves the right to prefer employees or prospective employees on the basis of religion, including the right to expect University employees to hold certain religious beliefs, 参加某些宗教仪式, and to refrain from certain conduct based on the University’s religious beliefs.

Regular faculty and staff members are expected to affirm SPU的信仰宣言. Our faculty and staff come from a wide range of Christian traditions, 包括希腊东正教, 浸信会, 天主教, 及自由卫理公会. While SPU does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, 国家的起源, 性, 年龄, 或残疾, SPU does have religious-based conduct expectations for faculty and staff.

是的, many faith-based universities have similar policies, including many in the 基督教学院理事会 & 大学.



网易彩票下载是由 免费的卫理公会 pioneers in 1891 and is 附属 with 美国自由卫理公会. SPU also has close relationships with local 免费的卫理公会 churches.

SPU is one of a number of educational institutions that is part of the Association of 免费的卫理公会 Educational Institutions (AFMEI). The 免费的卫理公会 Church has identified three categories of AFMEI institutions (denominational, 附属, and associate) and has listed criteria for qualification as an AFMEI institution in the 免费的卫理公会 训诫书. SPU has denominational status and remains in good standing with the 免费的卫理公会 Church. SPU has provisions in its Articles of Incorporation and bylaws that reflect its affiliation with the 免费的卫理公会 Church.



The Board decision is related to SPU’s employment policy for faculty and staff. 本科生由 SPU的学生行为标准, which are based on the University's Christian mission and are intended to provide a positive learning environment, 促进知识分子, 社会, 精神上的, 以及学生的身体健康, 促进性格的形成.

No, students do not have to be Christians to attend SPU; they are not required to be 免费的卫理公会 or to have any faith affiliation. SPU offers a liberal arts education grounded in the 基督教信仰 to any student who wants to apply. 

是的, the University is committed to supporting all undergraduate and graduate students in all their academic pursuits, 基督教信仰, 社区生活. Acknowledging the complexity of ongoing issues related to LGBTQ gender identity and 性ual orientation, SPU desires to eng年龄 these conversations with humility and care.